Monday, February 8, 2016

March 5th 2014

Subjects: Bernard Laguardia, Razputine Panzerfaust, D

Bernard lays in the back seat of a stolen vehicle, with Raz in the driver's seat. They have traveled for the past two days only stopping for gas, food, and restroom breaks. Raz has no idea where to take them, only knowing they needed to move again. With the way He always tracked them, Raz knew they wouldn't be forgotten. Sooner or later another hollow would be sent after them. Just when they thought they were free, they would start being hunted again. It was a sickening cycle. Never ending. Hunted. Found. Punished. Released. Hunted again. He gripped the steering wheel tighter. Even when he had managed to hurt Him, what had he really managed to do? Further anger this entity, and that seemed about it. There had to be a way to break the cycle, to save him and Bernard... They had grown so close since they had gone on the run. Raz hadn't felt this way for another person since... Rachel.

Everytime his thoughts turned to her he could feel his heart sieze up, his palms sweat. The pain. The anger. The loss, still so fresh, even after four years. He knew he'd never really move on... that it was what kept him going. Revenge... but... what he had with Bernard now, it helped him.

So many  people had been lost... Rachel, Leslie, %i$$@, Susan, Drake, Ecko was surely dead... and all those people who had turned hollowed. The one's he had killed. He had managed to save his own humanity... and rather than try and save theirs, he killed them. Brutally usually.

He was a killer. He always told himself they deserved it because of what they had surely done, or would do under His control, but it didn't change the fact that he murdered them. Tore them limb from limb... and he enjoyed it. He would never admit it infront of Bernard, but it was exhilarating.

Bernard shifted in the back, yawning and stretching uncomfortably, slowly sitting up and leaning around the side of the driver's seat and giving Raz a small kiss on his cheek.

I'm done sleeping... this seat is killing my back. I'm ready to switch out if you're alright with that.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Na Foraoise

??????: ?///// ?///////

Cavan was led out of the den by Olcán. He took a slow, deep breath as he followed behind the wolf, nervous about meeting this final guide. He had finally come to terms with the fact that he had been abandoned by Slenderman, and that without these creature's help he would have died.

While he had been working with Olcán and Ámhra, he had continued to throw up the black sludge that he had expelled after first waking up in the forest. He knew that had been His influence leaving his body. As they walked along, winding through the trees he marveled at how light he felt, no longer weighed down with that darkness inside of him. He didn't know what they had done to him, but he appreciated that they had done it. This was like taking an old blade and cleaning off all the rust to find the blade new and shiny beneath. A hell of a trial, but well worth it for the tool we received. 

Olcán leads Cavan to a clearing in the forest, a black, starless sky above them.

He'll be here soon. Just remember, he saved you, and you owe us...

I know... I've had time to think.

Olcán nodded and stepped back out of the clearing, heading back to the den. Cavan stood alone, looking up at the sky, trying to listen for a breeze, but as Olcán's footsteps grew quieter, the silence crept in around him. The forest was completely silent, without a breeze, the creaking of trees, or the skittering of the things living in those trees.

At once the trees above him bowed inward, blocking the sky and groaning from the strain. Cavan was startled and jumped at this, looking around him and freezing as he saw a figure standing on the other side of the clearing from him.

This figure wore a black cloak, and a mask that looked like some kind of bird skull with antlers rising from the top.

Hello Cavan... I'm glad you understand how much you owe to me.

The voice just seemed to emanate from the figure, not specifically from his head, but just from his general direction. The figure slowly slid closer to cavan, no visible movement coming from beneath the cloak.

I know how loyal you were, and how... talented you were at your... job, but I need you to come under my employ, and perform a new... job.

He stopped a few feet from Cavan and moved his head so the eye sockets of the skull looked directly at him. Cavan noticed that they seemed empty, as if there was nothing beneath the mask.

Of course... sir, may I call you sir? I'm sorry, actually... what should I call you?

Sir works just fine.

So... sir, what is this job you need me to do for you?

I need you to collect some things for me, and I need you to find Bernard Laguardia, and Razputine Panzerfaust, and bring them back here.

Okay, that sounds simple enough... where is here exactly? This forest doesn't exactly seem... real. 

You've got a sharp eye. We're somewhere safe. This is my domain. Just like how He has His. In here no one can be touched. I need all three of you, and you need a journal. The journal will be your first stop.

What's so special about this journal?

For me? Nothing. For you? It has the writings from an individual who has been watching everything that has happened for the last 4, or so, years, and you need to understand exactly what my purpose is, the journal will help to do that, because somehow I doubt me explaining it here and now would make you really want to help me.

The cloak slid open and a thin black hand reached out, the texture of the arm and hand seemed to be that of silk. Cavan noticed that there didn't seem to be a body beneath the cloak, just an impenetrable darkness. He touched the side of Cavan's face. Cavan wanted to pull away, but couldn't move, despite everything in his mind telling him to run, to scream, to cry. The figure moved his hand over Cavan's eyes and-

Cavan awoke beside the lake, the empty casket and hole, which he had dug, still sitting there. He was panting and gasping for breath as though he had been running for hours. He scrambled to his feet and looked around in a panic, afraid that his previous Master would be waiting for him. Nothing happened and no one came. He started to breath more regularly and walked over to the hole. He began talking to himself, trying to formulate a plan on what to do.

Okay I know I need to find that journal... the one I saw being pushed out from beneath the bed in the hotel room that Bernard and Raz had been staying in... Once I find that I need to find them... how the hell do I find them... maybe... maybe the journal will have a clue... Okay... then I... I get them back to the forest... and how the hell do I get back there?

He looked around slowly at the lake and surrounding forest.

Maybe I just need to get them back here... Okay... I've got a starting point.

He honestly did well with what was given to him... which wasn't much...
He clapped his hands together and nodded, walking off into the forest and towards the nearest highway.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


??????: C///// D////

Olcán taught Cavan how to draw sigils that could protect him partially from His influence, how to properly handle a knife,

Seeing you wave that thing around is almost sad... How have you managed to kill anyone swiping around wildly like that? How have you managed to not kill yourself with that knife with how loosely you hold it?

and how to protect places he stayed in from Him and his, formerly, fellow Hollowed.

Ámhra taught him how to use Glamours to hide his presence from Him, how to change your face with simple alterations to your hair, clothes, and a small amount of makeup, and how to disappear in a crowd, or when there is no one else around.

Cavan sits beside the two creatures, staring into the fire.

I don't know why I haven't asked this... but why are you all helping me? I know you're working to make sure I don't go back to work under my L-... Him... but I don't see what you get out of this?

Ámhra looks over at Olcán, clearly looking to see what all they should actually share. Tell him everything.

It's... not our place to say... Your next guide should give you a fairly good grasp on what we need you to do... but it's not for us to tell you more than what you need to know from us. Know that once you're out on your own again, we'll still be watching.

... Is that a promise or a threat?

I think it's safer to take it as both. If we hadn't intercepted you when we did, you would have died. He was going to leave you there broken and dying. Without us, you would be dead. Be grateful, and follow our instruction, okay? 
Even with so much of his (Cavan's) humanity stripped away, his stubbornness never faltered...  gods damn him.
Cavan gives a short nod. 

Good... He's almost ready for you. You should get some sleep and once you're ready, we'll show you to the next guide.

Friday, November 6, 2015


???????: Ca?an Do?an Now there's a name: "Caan Doan" Ruler Stag, or maybe Leader, the Little Black One.

The Den is warm and inviting. Lit in the middle by a low burning fire, a small hole in the roof made to let the smoke escape. To one side of the fire sits a wolf with black armour sitting beside it, eyeing Cavan as he enters. To the other sits a massive Magpie, he believes from the feathers he can see. This bird is also as large as the wolf, who, as Cavan draws closer, he sees is as big as he is. The Magpie is wearing a pure white mask over it's face.

The Wolf seems to smile at him before speaking.

Hello Cavan. My name is Olcán. This is Ámhra. We're your next guides. He will teach you how t-

The magpie seems to get overly excited and hops over a little closer to the other side of the fire before interrupting the wolf.

I'll teach you how to stay hidden from that skinny bastar-

Ámhra I told you, we're going to take turns talking...

Olcán gives a frustrated huff before turning once more to Cavan and continuing.

He'll show you how to hide yourself from the sight of... Him. I'll teach you how to defend yourself better... Okay Ámhra, it's your turn now.

Ámhra slowly steps over, his head lowered a little as he glances over at Olcán before looking back over at Cavan and lifting his head, giving his wings a few flaps before he begins.

And after we teach you what we know, we'll send you to the last guide. I think you'll get a kick out of them. And He never understood exactly who they were... I suppose that was for the best.

You know... considering who I served... you'd think seeing wonderous, or fantastical things wouldn't surprise me anymore... but you two are... unique to say the least.

Cavan smirks and reaches over to Ámhra and taps on the mask, causing Ámhra to flap a wing and hit him on the back of the head.

Hey! No touching the mask!

Why? Have something to hide?
I wonder what Cavan would say if he knew where he was, and who these creatures were...

Don't we all?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

????? ??? ????

S??????: Cavan Dolan

As Cavan walks through the woods, it strikes him that he hasn't heard a single sound other than the figure he'd briefly spoken too. No rustling of trees, no creaking of wood, no sounds of animals far off in the distance running by. He kicks at the ground and does hear the small stones he kicks skitter across the forest floor, but once they stop moving all goes silent again. Even in His presence Cavan had never experienced such complete sile-

Oh lost little thing...
She really is a delight.

Cavan whirls around to face the voice he had heard behind him. There's nothing there. The voice couldn't have been more than a few feet away from hi-

You worked so hard...

Once again directly behind him, and when he turns, once again, nothin-

And he just threw you away like a piece of trash.


Did everything ever asked of you, and even more. You've KILLED for him, without a second thought, and he can't give you the courtesy to give you a second god damned chance?

This time as he turns back around he sees a pair of light pink eyes staring back at him. A tall humanoid figure stands before him, though it's face is that of a ram, with large curled horns. The voice he had heard though was a woma-

You know I'm right. Really all I'm doing is stating facts you already know. Well guess what? I'm your second chance. Aren't you just a lucky little sprout?

She(?) leans forward and grins, reaching out with a hand and lightly touching Cavan's cheek. He's frozen in place, staring wide eyed at this thing before hi-

The one you talked to, the guy with the antlers? He's decided you're definitely worth saving, and not only that, he's decided that we need to make sure you know what's coming. So you and I are gonna take a little trip, and I'm going to show you a few things that you need to commit to memory. Got it?

Cavan realizes he's been literally gaping at this creature and shuts his mouth, nodding slowly. She takes his hand and pulls him back the direction he came.

W-wait I already came this wa-

Okay you're going to have to learn quickly, don't argue with me. I know what I'm doing, certainly more than you do.

Cavan grunts and looks to the side before gasping as between the trees he spies something, the hotel room where his targets had been staying when he attacked them! There was something strange though... something... under the bed...  a pair of eyes staring out at him. Two green piercing eyes. A book slides out from beneath the bed, pushed out by a furred, clawed hand. He turns to the creature leading him and starts to ask if she saw what he just saw but before he ca-
A gift.

No I didn't see it, because I didn't need to. You better remember whatever it was that you just saw. There's going to be a few more things before I hand you off to your next guide, so keep your eyes peeled.

He nods again, even though she's not looking back at him, and looks back over at the woods as he continues along at a brisk pace. Suddenly something else appears. He sees steel beams, a glass window in the roof, a loos pipe on the ground, an- suddenly a figure wearing a mask of deep purple and black appears before him, a flash of something silvery and thin and the whole scene disappears.
A weapon.

He looks forward once more before looking to the other side, a scene almost immediately appearing. A long hallway, longer than he'd ever seen. At the end was nothin- no, it was... Him. There was a terrible anger. A rushing of wind. Snapping of wood. Smashing of glass. More wind. Then silence. The scene was gon-
A final chance.

Alrighty Cavan, this is where you and I part ways.

He almost runs into her before stopping and looking around, trying to get his bearings. He stands at the entrance to a cave, or... no... a den? It was a hole in the side of a hill that only came up to about his hip.

Wait. That was it? I don't even know what your name i-

Fionùir, it was a pleasure to guide you this evening, Cavan. You need to go in there, you'll meet your next guide. Good luck, and don't screw up, okay? 

She walked past him and as he turned to watch her walk away, she was gone. He stood alone infront of the den for several moments before sighing and leaning down, before beginning to slowly crawl in.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

????? ?th 2014

S?b???t: Cavan Dolan

Cavan lays with his head against a tree, giving a sharp cough as he wakes up abruptly, sitting up and looking around in confusion.

He has awakened somewhere in the middle of a heavily wooded area. The moon is full and casting strange shadows through the branches above him. He reaches out to the tree he had been laying against and stands up unsteadily, his muscles feeling weak, but his body now free of pain. He coughs again violently, his free hand covering his mouth before coming away, black sludge coating his hand. He grimaces and wipes his hand off on his torn shirt and steps away from the tree.
Empty yourself of his infection.

My Lord! Are you there? Please forgive me for my failure! How could I have known they would move it? You saw for yourself in D's mind that it was where the body had been... please...
He doesn't care about you.

Cavan looks around, turning slowly, not feeling his master's presence anywhere.

Cavan stops and jumps slightly as he sees a figure standing between the trees off in the distance. He realizes this isn't his master as he sees a large set of antlers rising from the head.

Who are you? Stay away! My Lo- 
Show some respect, you amadán.

Your old master can do nothing here. This is... space is mine, and I will keep you here until you know what you must do. Only then I will allow you to leave. Continue deeper into the woods, the reason I have brought you here will become evident.
I saw everything he learned. He should have done more... I should have done more...

You didn't answer me! Who are you?!

Cavan's chest constricts and his heart beat slows as his vision darkens.
Still so fragile.

I am the one whose power allowed you to be brought back from the edge. If we had not intervened, you would have died. Your master thinks you useless, but I have seen what you will do... All will end in misery, but you must continue on a new path that will be shown to you. Now go.

Cavan breathes heavily as his heart beat returns to normal. He nods and slowly turns away from the figure and walks farther into the woods, the trees seeming to close in around him as he proceeds, making progress difficult, but never impossible. Seek eolas Dhiaga.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Marc? ?th 2014

Sub-ec?: Cavan Dolan

Cavan wheezes softly, every nerve screaming in pain as he slowly opens his eyes and looks around.

I do all of this, and for what?
Blackness everywhere. He feels concrete beneath his back. He attempts to lift his arm and cries out as pain shoots through his shattered elbow.

Meting out information to an empty hall.
A tall figure is standing above him, though Cavan can't see this. The antlers on it's head reach almost to his face as it watches him, doing what it can to mend broken bones and torn muscles. A sharp beak gives a soft click off to Cavan's right startling him as he looks over into the blackness, seeing nothing. Two figures with antlers, one with beak, another with fangs, both desperate to fix this broken... thing.

Everyone is already gone.
Wh-who are you? Where a-a-am I?

Only I remain.
He asks, his voice cracking and trembling from pain and confusion. The figure directly above him reaches down and places a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Until He finally gets me.

Till then I'll just keep telling what I know... I suppose...
Cavan flinches from the touch for a moment before he relaxes slightly and his eyes close as he falls asleep, or passes out.