Saturday, August 15, 2015

February 17th 2014

Subject: Cavan Dolan

Cavan sits at his desk, having finished making his post. Pushing the keyboard to the side he stares at the bright computer monitor. He feels a light tingling on the back of his neck and turns to look at the rest of his room.

 ... Is someone there?

Nothing. His room is spartan. There is a door opposite the corner he sits in. His computer tower and monitor sit on top of an overturned box. He sits ontop of a lumpy pillow. Next to him is a window, looking out on blackness for now. During daylight his window overlooks an alleyway and dumpster for the apartment building he's staying in. to his left in another corner lies a mini fridge. A simple, full sized mattress sits in another corner, with no sheets, or additional pillows besides the one he sits on. Above his mattress, hanging from a nail in the wall is his mask. A simple white mask, but with a black slash crossing the face, dividing the mask almost symmetrically. Asymmetrically.

... Is it you, my Lord?

Silence in response. He's alone... for now. I crouch outside his window. He can't see me. But I see him. The monitor illuminating his gaunt features. He looks like hell...

No... of course not.

He shifts uncomfortably, before crawling over to his fridge and opening it. Inside are two takeout boxes from a Chinese restaurant, a quart of milk, a block of sharp cheddar cheese, a chunk of some kind of meat, uncooked, but with a bite missing. He grabs one of the boxes of leftovers and opens it, shoveling a handful of fried rice into his mouth. He sits there and eats for several more minutes. He looks at the window and squints, as if trying to will his vision to pierce that immutable darkness. He sees nothing. Good. 

I... I should sleep...

He mumbles to himself as he puts the box back and closes the fridge, crawling over to the pillow on the floor and picking it up. He then crawls to his bed, laying down and placing his head on the pillow, shifting back and forth attempting to get comfortable. Eventually sleep finds him. He dreams. He screams throughout the rest of the night, waking several neighbors who are too afraid to say anything. Such a pathetic creature...

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