Thursday, September 3, 2015

March 4th 2014

Subject: Cavan Dolan

Cavan groans as he opens his eyes, looking around frantically as he regains consciousness. He looks visibly disturbed as he touches his chest and lets out a whimpering whine, remembering the feeling of his ribs being crushed by D. He appears to be physically fine now. A shame really... he deserves to be dead...

Cavan stumbles to his feet and looks around at the room... it's a bathroom... on a plane. He rushes to the sink before throwing up a thick black fluid all over the sink and mirror, obscuring his image.

Cavan throws open the lavatory door and quickly shuts it, looking over at the flight attendant standing beside him.

What the hell are you looking at... You looked like hell, despite His work to repair you. The dark rings under your eyes... the matted hair... the bit of dried blood that had trailed from your ears when the pressure in your head had made your eardrums burst...
He grumbles and glares at her before walking unsteadily down the rows of seats. He sees one that is empty, except for a book sitting in it. This must be his. He sits down and picks it up, flipping it open to a bookmark that was left in it. There are a series of numbers and letters up and down the bookmark. He smiles and puts the bookmark back. He knows where he's heading to now.

His Lord has put him back together, and has sent him on an important mission.

He had been the bait to lure D out into the open, and his Lord had extracted the information he needed from D. 




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