Thursday, October 22, 2015

????? ?th 2014

S?b???t: Cavan Dolan

Cavan lays with his head against a tree, giving a sharp cough as he wakes up abruptly, sitting up and looking around in confusion.

He has awakened somewhere in the middle of a heavily wooded area. The moon is full and casting strange shadows through the branches above him. He reaches out to the tree he had been laying against and stands up unsteadily, his muscles feeling weak, but his body now free of pain. He coughs again violently, his free hand covering his mouth before coming away, black sludge coating his hand. He grimaces and wipes his hand off on his torn shirt and steps away from the tree.
Empty yourself of his infection.

My Lord! Are you there? Please forgive me for my failure! How could I have known they would move it? You saw for yourself in D's mind that it was where the body had been... please...
He doesn't care about you.

Cavan looks around, turning slowly, not feeling his master's presence anywhere.

Cavan stops and jumps slightly as he sees a figure standing between the trees off in the distance. He realizes this isn't his master as he sees a large set of antlers rising from the head.

Who are you? Stay away! My Lo- 
Show some respect, you amadán.

Your old master can do nothing here. This is... space is mine, and I will keep you here until you know what you must do. Only then I will allow you to leave. Continue deeper into the woods, the reason I have brought you here will become evident.
I saw everything he learned. He should have done more... I should have done more...

You didn't answer me! Who are you?!

Cavan's chest constricts and his heart beat slows as his vision darkens.
Still so fragile.

I am the one whose power allowed you to be brought back from the edge. If we had not intervened, you would have died. Your master thinks you useless, but I have seen what you will do... All will end in misery, but you must continue on a new path that will be shown to you. Now go.

Cavan breathes heavily as his heart beat returns to normal. He nods and slowly turns away from the figure and walks farther into the woods, the trees seeming to close in around him as he proceeds, making progress difficult, but never impossible. Seek eolas Dhiaga.

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